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How to Become a Love Magnet - Video Workshop *Super Sale Price*


I'm so happy that the the online programme you've been asking me for and it's all about love. Not just any love, it's the kind of love that lasts a lifetime because it starts with you. Before you can be 'married' to anyone else, you are married to yourself. No matter whether you are single or in a relationship, how do you develop a beautiful, unconditional love for yourself that allows you to experience a loving, harmonious and very intimate relationship with someone else? This is something that took me many years to figure out for myself and we'll be exploring all of this and more in this 20 day, on-demand video programme.

This programme will be delivered direct to your email inbox as a PDF document containing all the workshop notes you need and links to the videos and guided meditations.

Here's what this beautiful programme includes:
- 20 videos by Natalia to guide you through the process of understanding yourself better, discovering any personal blocks or impediments to unconditional love, releasing and learning to accept your authentic self in order to open up to the highest love of all
- 10 guided meditations to connect with you the important 'love angels' to help release blocks, cleanse, clear and forgive yourself and others and attract your soul mate/bring beautiful balance and harmony back into an existing love relationship and encourage deeper intimacy
- Written questionnaires and a 'love calculator' to help you gauge how open you are to receiving and accepting unconditional love

This programme is for you if you'd like to:
- step more into your authentic self
- love and approve of yourself every day
- forgive and heal past hurts
- attract and maintain a deep and lasting relationship with your soul mate
- achieve great intimacy, balance and harmony in your current love relationship
- feel good about yourself and know that you are enough and worthy of giving and receiving the highest love of all

About Natalia:
"I'm an ordinary person who has been through some extraordinary experiences in my life and I will share those with you throughout this programme. From the age of six years old, I felt as though I was not good enough or loveable. This lack of self love translated into some incredibly bad experiences in love relationships and had a knock on effect in all areas of my life, until I finally had my big 'aha' moment at the age of 44. I discovered what my patterns were and where they came from. I also realised that I wasn't such a 'bad person' at all. This put me on the path of rediscovering the self that I had abandoned and I fell in love with me. I'm now in a beautiful relationship with myself and have connected with my very own soul mate. I feel as though love has been my greatest challenge in this lifetime but also feel that it's my mission to help others navigate their way through the maze to connect with their own truth and self love. I am embracing this mission with all my heart and I'm looking forward to helping you on your own journey to finding the purest love of all."


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